I have just installed AbanteCart 3 days ago, and I am currently in the learning stage.
I have tried to do the following actions within the admin panel of AbanteCart, and I didn't succeed:
1) Language loading via System/Localization/Languages/Load missing language data. It loaded and suddenly crushed. Don't know the reason and how to fix it.
2) Tried to export files via System/Data/Import-Export. When I choose tables and their content to be exported, as well as ID range (I tried all variations, e.g: 1-99; 0-1000; a-z, etc.), and file formats, the system gives me immediate error message "Error during export! Please check errors report." Again, I don't know the reason and how to fix it.
3) Other errors, all recorded in my error log.
I would really appreciate if you could help me or could refer me to related info or people to solve those, and other issues.
Kind regards,