eCommerce construction > General Discussion
error log
online shop abi:
hey guys..
when i'm start my abanteCart,,its always like it.... :
"There has been an error processing your request
Please check error log for more info. You can check error log in the control panel if it is functional. Otherwise, refer to error log located in your web server
Go to main page"
what my problem??? thanks...
you need to look into file /system/logs/error.txt
You can also access same log in admin -> system -> logs -> error log
online shop abi:
after that,,I read some text like this,,
/....../....../public_html/toko-online/core/lib/menu_control_storefront.php</b> on line <b>24</b>
so,,what must I do??? :'(
--- Quote from: online shop abi on December 13, 2012, 03:48:06 AM ---after that,,I read some text like this,,
/....../....../public_html/toko-online/core/lib/menu_control_storefront.php</b> on line <b>24</b>
so,,what must I do??? :'(
--- End quote ---
brrr...where did you read this?
Please attach your error.log to post.
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