AbanteCart Development > Extensions and Add-Ons
Replicating Royal mail extension
I am a beginner and run my show with basic html and copy paste coding. I wanted to include a shipping extension to include India post shipping rates. I found the royal mail extension features to be more apt and hence replicated the folder and edited the code.
The files were uploaded to extensions folder through FTP. The new extension reflected and also was able to install and even make amendments But the problem is its not calling names (even the basic extension name is not getting called.
I know this is a more dumb question but I am stuck here any help would be appreciated.
I think I found what the problem was. How stupid of me. The language definition was not updated. I added the details manually.
The cart worked perfect with all complex calculations. The option works great when I select products with lesser weight the cart gives choice to buyers of different shipping options available (only 2 in my case as I have setup this maiden script only for local India Shipping). It also accurately selects the shipping option when the higher weight products are added. I am more eager now to introduce this to my live cart and also develop (Just the concept thanks to the advance brains who coded the scripts) next version of this extension for India Post and also share it with other India cart users as a free extension.
However there are still some minor visible issues (though not affecting the functionality). Please help.
* In picture one in the extension page I am not seeing the extension name. How do I define it?
* The shipping eta I have marked as Yes, but it is not reflecting in the front end. How is this done. (Really I am that dumb :( )
* When I deleted the package for testing it deleted the language definition I created, however when I installed it did not create the language and I had to feed it manually. What do I need to do to make this happen when the package is installed?
* How do I package it and share it as a free extension? I created this as an extension based on existing Royal Mail extension and installed it through FTP folder install method. But really eager to know how this is done.
When you change some texts in your files you should clear AbanteCart cache so new definitions or updates will be parsed from files again
To create package please read developers manuals
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