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Author Topic: different sizes and price for the same product  (Read 4654 times)

Offline hb007006

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different sizes and price for the same product
« on: May 14, 2017, 12:24:02 PM »
[Step 1]
I have added new product from Abantecart admin front. Price $50 has been configured for newly added product.
Now I can see newly added product with price $50 on Abantecart storefront

[Step 2]
I have configured price as $40 under Promotions -> Specials for the same product
Now I can see newly added product with price $40 $50 on Abantecart storefront

[Step 3]
I have added existing Global Attribute "Size" as an option under Options tab for the same product. Then I have configured Option Values 10 ml, 20 ml and 30 ml and set the price modifier values as below

For 10ml price modifier value configured as 0.00
For 20ml price modifier value configured as 2.00
For 30ml price modifier value configured as 4.00

Now, I can see newly added product with 3 sizes 10ml, 20ml and 30ml on storefront. And when I choose 10ml price is getting displayed as $40
when I choose 20ml price is getting displayed as $42
when I choose 30ml price is getting displayed as $44

My requirement:
I want to configure different prices as per their configured sizes 10ml, 20ml and 30ml for the same product
If I will choose
10 ml then price should display as $40 $50
20 ml then price should display as $68 $90
30 ml then price should display as $72 $110
on the storefront

Please note here the prices can vary for the sizes.

How can I configure different sizes and prices for the same product as mentioned above? I could not find the way.
Please help me to understand.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 04:23:46 AM by hb007006 »

Offline hb007006

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Re: Same product - different size, different MRP, different price
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2017, 12:28:45 PM »
Admin front:
1. Navigate to Catalog -> Products -> Choose One Product -> Edit -> General
2. Configure Price as 50.00. Click on Save
3. Navigate to Promotions -> Specials. Click on Add Special. Configure Price as 40.00 and click on save.
4. Navigate to Options. Click on New Option (+) button.
5. Choose Size from - Add New Option - select box. Click on Add
6. Click on Add (+) button under Option Values.
7. Click on default radio box. Choose 30 ml from Option Value. Set Quantity 10. Set Price Modifier 0.00
8. Click on Add (+) button under Option Values.
9. Choose 50 ml from Option Value. Set Quantity 10. Set Price Modifier 2.00
10. Click on Add (+) button under Option Values.
11. Choose 75 ml from Option Value. Set Quantity 10. Set Price Modifier 4.00
12. Click on Save

Navigate to Storefront:
1. You will be able to see Product price as $40.00 $50.00. Default select Size as 30ml 10 in Stock. Total Price as $40.00
2. If you choose 50ml from the select box, you will be able to see Product price as $40.00 $50.00. Total Price as $42.00
3. If you choose 75ml from the select box, you will be able to see Product price as $40.00 $50.00. Total Price as $44.00

I want to configure different prices as per their configured sizes 30ml, 50ml and 75ml
If I will choose 30ml then
Base Price should display as $40 $50
Total Price should display as $40 $50
Product description should get changed to BeneFit Girl Meets Pearl, 30ml

If I will choose 50ml then
Base Price should display as $68 $90
Total Price should display as $68 $90
Product description should get changed to BeneFit Girl Meets Pearl, 50ml

If I will choose 75ml then
Base Price should display as $72 $110
Total Price should display as $72 $110
Product description should get changed to BeneFit Girl Meets Pearl, 75ml
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 11:04:56 AM by hb007006 »


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