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Author Topic: Embedding in HTML5/CSS3 page  (Read 4326 times)

Offline CarloG

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Embedding in HTML5/CSS3 page
« on: June 08, 2017, 02:14:40 PM »
Dear forum users/Developers,

I am always happier about Abantecart and its features.
For the first time I need to embed some code into an existing html5+css3 website, and it works like a charm.
But what I can do using the explanations on docs pages and examples is not what I need to do.
I looked around, but I think the best way is to ask to who uses Abantecart everyday and works on it.
So, what I need is to have a <div> into my webpage, which give me the list of the subcategories of a certain category.
The detail is easy to be told.
My friend is a honey-producer, and he's trying to sell his honey online.
So in his existing html I would like to have a section with the 'HONEY' subcategories listed ( they are the various flavours )
and when I click on one of them, then I need to be taken to the product list of that category ( this should be easy :D )
I cannot figure out how I can achieve the sub-categories list in the script code to embed, if there's a way.
If there's not, that means I have to embed a different div for each subcategory, and that means embedding is not so
useful as each time a new subcategory is created I (or he) will have to create embed code and put it into the html code
again by hand ( that sounds like creating a div manually and linking the image/text/whatever to the subcategory page ).

I hope I have been clear in the explanation and hope someone will be able to give (good) news.

Thank you in advance,


Offline Basara

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Re: Embedding in HTML5/CSS3 page
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2017, 01:19:27 AM »

If you embed some category ('HONEY' for example) the subcategories will be shown (existing and new) when customer click on the embed category link. For now you can not embed list of categories


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