Author Topic: Expedited Support and Development  (Read 26795 times)

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Expedited Support and Development
« on: May 22, 2013, 08:33:08 AM »
As AbanteCart grow progress and expand with new features, our development team work very hard to fix possible issues, improve and expand with requests as we get them.
Unfortunately, not all requests can be addressed within short time frames.

Below is the list of the cases when we can expedite issue resolution and provide expedited fix or development:

1. Issue reported is related to the core functionality and issue cause application to fail on main features or make application unusable.  This is based on original distribution of the software.
Problems can be reported based on this post,105.0.html

2. If you are very active on the forum with answers to others and help community in some other form.

3. You are partner or sponsor to our project.

4. If you need extension for third party service or integration, you can contact that third party company, and ask them to get in touch with AbanteCart to establish partnership. Once partnership is established, extension can be developed faster and possibly free.   

5. Custom development or commercial support
If you need help with managing AbanteCart or developing custom features, check our

« Last Edit: June 10, 2024, 02:00:04 AM by Basara »
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