Shopping Cart Operations > Opinions

Users and Customers notifications


Currently AbanteCart offers admin users notification with system status, updates, orders, etc
We consider to extend functionality and offer message notification to customers and users targeted individually.
These messages will show under customer accounts and in user accounts messages can be configured to be sent to email as well.

Please vote

Its good functionality!

What about adding product specific messages sent to users after they complete their purchase?  I'd like to have a different message for each product.  Is that available?

Great feature - will I be able to include similar products to those purchased?   Even if not, it's a very good improvement


Yes,  adding the ability to keep customers apprised of their orders,  etc  is always a good enhancement.


PS -  I didn't know exactly how to vote on the survey -  deciding if this enhancement should be core or extension is beyond my comfort zone.  so just register me as a yes  and I  defer to cart coders to determine the correct placement.


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