AbanteCart Development > Shipping Modules

UPS extension

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Where is the extension for UPS?  It was there in the list, now it it gone.  I tried search, it was there and looked in All Extension.  Not there either.

UPS included in your installation but you can always download it from the source https://github.com/abantecart/abantecart-src/tree/master/public_html/extensions

Thanks for the info.  But once I clicked on the link, a long list popped up and I saw the one for UPS, then what?  How exactly to I download it?

UPS Is included in AbanteCart, you do not need to download it (unless you deleted it)

Check this manual:

It may be included m but it is not in MY list of extensions.  So how do I download it?  I don't know if it was deleted, but if it was how do i retrieve it?


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