General Topics > SEO

What is Google Tag Manager?

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hello all,
Can anybody tell me what is Google Tag Manager?

Hello Jack,
Have you read this info from Google -
And check out the ones on the right side under the heading Help for additional considerations.

no, I haven't checked it before! Thank you!

IN a website you may need to insert many tags or codes on various pages for different purposes. This will make youe website heavy and in result there will be high load time
In order to rectify this issue,we use tag manager where we can insert multiple tags and we just need to insert one google tag manager tag to our website.  :D


--- Quote from: itstrisha on September 24, 2018, 01:43:16 AM ---IN a website you may need to insert many tags or codes on various pages for different purposes. This will make youe website heavy and in result there will be high load time
In order to rectify this issue,we use tag manager where we can insert multiple tags and we just need to insert one google tag manager tag to our website.  :D

--- End quote ---
Thank you for the information! keep sharing!


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