AbanteCart Development > Development Help Needed

ERP integration


i need to integrate webERP or any ERP with Abantecart.
has anyone started this?
Please let me know where we are up to with this.

Manually transferring web orders into my ERP / CRM is getting old now. Can't keep up.

Alot of the other Ecommerce are able to integrate with an ERP or CRM

Via API's or even EDI.

I Dont have the skills to write or configure either of these. I'm at the stage of can I Export and Import manually?

Somebody has the same issue. Help.


Hello Kiwi.

ERP as Enterprise Resource Planning?
Please PM and we can discuss what we can offer for you.


--- Quote from: abantecart on October 30, 2018, 09:27:38 AM ---Hello Kiwi.

ERP as Enterprise Resource Planning?
Please PM and we can discuss what we can offer for you.

--- End quote ---

Any Progress?


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