This subject is one of the most important one for implementing according to me, because, customers or competitors cannot not guess orders or next order id etc.... Let the order_id Auto increment be internal one for the admin / owner of shopping cart alone, to get sequential index of orders which is very important. But random id generated for each order_id is what needed to be shown to the paymentgateway providers and customers. ( I know that one can change manually any start number in Auto increment field in database. Hence I am sure that my idea of this subject of random ids are clear though not a new discovery

The core and archirtechture in abantecart must allow the admin to use any type of random id generation, such as UUID, GUID or just simply Uniqid with timestamp and some prefix. Let it check database for existing ID, if new go a head or else continue to generate new one until it's new id and then automatically insert in database to prevent collision. Random id for both order and invoice would be a good feature.
Developers of version 2.0 may please take this suggestion and implement it. This would definitely be needy to many who are using AbanteCart for the website.
If possible an
extension for it would be great as there is no need to worry about complications in the core files.
admin can just enable the extension and edit the options there to generate random IDs with particular desired pattern.
I Love AbanteCart for clean architecture and design and smooth performance. Though i have heard some other shopping cart softwares giving option to generate random IDs either through extension or on its own base, I am not interested to use those software as I find AbanteCart is much more better in all other aspects. Hence implementing this additional feature in AbanteCart would definitely make AbanteCart grow to different levels along with other developments you are already trying to make.