Where did you get this file from? By looking at the copyright dates it is old file.
This is the correct file.
You might need to replace entire core directory.
thank you for support but still nothing changed on website, you asked me to stop duplicating posts, and i agree to that and ok for me. you said that screen has nothing enough info to show about the error and i would ask you again, what is the place of errors which I should to check?? i replaced the files as you told me in the other post and I did,I think the problem in the files and the codes inside them, to explain more about this issue and how it started on my
https://shop.ctgo.co , i will mention this step by step:
1. 403 error appeared on website admin panel when I try to add new products, categories and subcategories.
2. i contacted hosting company and promised to check.
3. I posted here about the error and no one replied.
4. i tried to edit .access files and rename it.
5. i deleted the main domain files on
https://ctgo.co because it was WORDPRESS.
6. i backed up the admin files and DB in this moment.
7.i got a reply from hosting company and they requested login info. to my website admin panel and i gave them that.
8. they replied after 3 days and told me that they fixed the error and when i asked them what you did ? they replied that they turned of securityMod from Cpanel, I asked them, then why you requested login info to my website admin panel they didn't answer and until now.
9. I asked the hosting company, how you accessed my Cpanel and they said that they are authorized to access it.
10. I tried to create new categories, subcategories and products, but i lost the thumbnails files and they are not appearing on products, categories and subcategories.
11. i installed Abantecart on main domain
https://ctgo.co and uploaded my backup admin files to server and shared the DB of
https://shop.ctgo.co with
https://ctgo.co and just created new user for DB of
12. i posted here many times but always got different suggestions and requests, until now it is not working, as also on website search engine, the search is not matching the results correctly and not showing the correct created SEO URL.
finally, sorry for disturbing you all. I work on developing my website my self since a while, added 10 languages and translated everything on website and admin interfaces, added a lot of things and created a lot of products but after this issue everything stopping here.
if there any chance to solve it let me know please.