General Topics > SEO

SEOURL - rewrite trashed in Server Restart - NO SEOURL's


David Suskin:
Hi All,
So I"m faced with disabling the SEOURL feature because apparently the htaccess file is not in sync anymore with the true pointing of this feature.
To recreate ALL the SEOURLs for categories, menus, products is daunting.
Is there anyway to in mass, recreate these seourls, or what is the best procedure to do this re-creation of these seourl (friendly urls)



What do you mean recreate? Every time you create new product or category the SEO keyword is made automatically and when you enable SEO urls that SEO keyword used for SEO Urls.

htaccess just have a rule to enable Rewrite engine for your server.


--- Quote from: David Suskin on February 26, 2019, 09:59:01 AM ---Hi All,
So I"m faced with disabling the SEOURL feature because apparently the htaccess file is not in sync anymore with the true pointing of this feature.
To recreate ALL the SEOURLs for categories, menus, products is daunting.
Is there anyway to in mass, recreate these seourls, or what is the best procedure to do this re-creation of these seourl (friendly urls)


--- End quote ---

This is what you are looking for
You can install this extension and with one click it will add SEO url to all the products and there are other stuff that comes with this extension but I think this should fix your problem.


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