I want to extend api to insert into db but for some reason it's returning empty 200 message all the time. Even I'm trying to pass static response it's still giving 200 with empty response.
class ControllerApiAccountDriverLocationCreate extends AControllerAPI
public $data;
public function post()
$this->extensions->hk_InitData($this, __FUNCTION__);
$request_data = $this->rest->getRequestParams();
$order_id = $request_data["order_id"];
$driver_id = $request_data["driver_id"];
$lat = $request_data["latitude"];
$long = $request_data["longitude"];
if ($this->customer->isLoggedWithToken($request['token'])) {
$this->rest->setResponseData(array('error' => 'Already Logged in. Can not create new account.'));
return null;
$result = $this->model_account_customer->saveDriverLocation($order_id, $driver_id, $lat, $long);
$this->data["result"] = $result;
$this->extensions->hk_UpdateData($this, __FUNCTION__);
and model is
public function saveDriverLocation($order_id, $driver_id, $lat, $long){
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO `abki_driver_location`
SET order_id = '".(int)$order_id."',
driver_id = '".(int)$driver_id."',
latitude = '".$lat."',
longitude = '".$long."',
created_date = NOW()");
return $this->db->getLastId();
What am I doing wrong here
Thanks in advance.