Shopping Cart Operations > Built-in Features
stock locations interact with tax rates and shipping how?
I've been playing with the new stock locations when track stock is enabled. Thanks for the fix on the bug I reported. I am testing on a site with those new files upload.
I need your plan on how the locations are suppose to work. First lets talk about tax rates - depending on the state from where shipped taxes may need to be assessed at the location of a remote warehouse rather than the address assigned to the store. I have tried adding locations with different rates but all I get is the same rate - even if I have sort orders enabled. This is problematic for the admins in collecting the correct taxes - I haven't looked at AvaTax yet, but assume it is going to have the same issue as we have to pass the origination info. Tax rates work correctly for local settings based on store settings, but I am not seeing the stock location being passed and used correctly.
This brings me to your default shippers - same vane of issue - there is not a way to pass the origination to FedEx for one product shipping from Dallas and one product in the order shipping from Chicago - They both will have the same destination, but origination alters the rates.
Couldn't find definitive answers in the AbanteCart Documentaton. Am I overlooking something or is this stock location not quite fully thought out yet?
Thanks in advance for the guidance.
Lee (why2)
Thank you for the report and your opinion.
In current stage there are no connection between taxes and "stock locations".
We will update the manual soon.
With this feature, we allow to specify inventory from different locations. That is about it really.
I do not think, new stock location will not cover all possible use cases.
Many aspects here are related to order fulfillment process and logistics.
After all, we do not try to implement inventory management solution here.
We welcome suggestions and contributions into further development
Thanks, Lee.
Stock Locations are not required and designed to maintain stock tracking when order placed
Thanks for the improvement in the docs that will help everyone to understand the intent and use of the locations.
I am happy to see the ability to have locations.
HOWEVER, I have one suggestion (request) since it appears you're still working on locations a bit and we're going to have to use a patch file for locations to work correctly in 1.2.14. Can you please allow track to be set on WITHOUT having to set a location? Currently in my testing if track is set to on a location must be input.
There are a lot of single location operators out there and this adds to their confusion in how to manage their product info. If you allow the locations to activate ONLY when there is an entry into the locations and leave the track ON to operate in the previous manner - that would solve a lot of confusion for admins.
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