Hi, just beginning to understand how this SEO thing works. I read several of the older posts and realized that I probably don't understand the right use of keywords. So here are some very basic questions.
Until today, I was of the (probably tremendously false and outdated assumption) that I could enter as many keywords in the 'meta keywords' header as I wanted that pertained to the general focus of my website regardless whether those keywords appear on that page's visible content.
So for example my home page meta keywords include all kinds of keywords that relate to subjects, topics, and products that can be found throughout my website. Looking closely, most of those keywords don't appear in the content of that home page at all. I take this to be a mistake. Is that accurate?
Do I understand it right that I should probably limit the number of keywords I put inside the 'meta keywords' header to 8 or less?
Then, I should use each keyword I entered in the 'meta keywords' header within the visible content of my page. And that the use of each keyword within this content should not exceed 4 to 6 times. Right?
Should I also include these keywords in my 'meta tag description'?
Thanks for your help.