I have version 1.2.14 installed and upgraded from 1.2.13 and previous versions and decided to do a fresh installation of 1.2.14 on a testing site so that in future upgrades i will test the upgrade before upgrading the live site and here what i found as an issue but don't if it is something important.
In the live site, the upgraded version, in the database table "custom_lists" the available fields are
(`rowid`, `custom_block_id`, `data_type`, `id`, `store_id`, `sort_order`, `date_added`, `date_modified`)
while in the 1.2.14 version fresh installation the available fields are
(`rowid`, `custom_block_id`, `data_type`, `id`, `sort_order`, `date_added`, `date_modified`)
note the [store_id] column is not available!!
Possibly that this is an issue or bug that affects the cart??