eCommerce construction > How-to questions
Help please! Database error, can not find cause.
Initially when I installed abantecart - newest version - everything has worked really well and I was able to quickly add and edit products without an issue.
Until it started randomly throwing an error every time I edited a section of a new or existing product.
The error is: Cannot establish database connection. Check your database connection settings. in /home1/mysitename/public_html/core/database/amysqli.php on line 54
Initially the error only showed on admin side, but now it causes the front end to temporarily disconnect to. It usually comes back live after a few minutes, with or without cookie/cache clearing.
I honestly can not find any reason - I haven't changed any core files nor done any updates since installing this year. I can't even load the admin login page after I do it for a while.
The only thing I can think is the timeout in that section of amysql is 60seconds, but it isn't anywhere close to 60 seconds when it throws the error.
Terrible timing, as I have an existing customer base from another project I was just introducing this site to today and tomorrow and now I can't do a few tweaks I really wanted to do, as it keeps taking the whole site offline (so unprofessional). Another issue, that may or may not be connected - sometimes the admin security time out is very short and I have to re-login every few minutes. No error, just logs me out.
Or there's a possible conflict with new paid extensions (bought from abantecart official marketplace)? Does this happen? They are meant to be compatible with my version of abantecart.
Any advice would be so appreciated.
It really appears to be triggered by 'saving' anything new on the product line (options, media, relations, promotions,)
So many possibilities here!
Check your /system/config.php file. There is all the data about connection to your database as this does seem to be a database issue. Confirm that the config file matches to your database name, user, type etc .
Do you have other errors in the error log?
Have you checked that your permissions are set correctly?
Have you checked to see if your system requirements are set correctly they can be found here:
You can try turning off (not deleting, just off) your extensions and seeing if you still have the problem. Clear your system cache afterwards.
If you don't have the issue, trying turning one at a time on until you get a recurrence.
If you determine is an extension contact the developer of that extension and give them the details of your issue. Including what additional extensions you have installed and ON when you encountered the issue.
Extensions in the marketplace usually meet the standards of working with default code - but there are quite a few different devs in the MarketPlace and there is no way for them to know what any other extension may be altering default code.
Thank you so much for your reply. No recent errors in error log oddly. Everything else seems fine. The problem is intermittent, but persistent once it starts (made my work impossible all morning). However, I logged in a few hours later and continued with no issues. If I manage to figure it out, I'll post results here in case it helps others... starting to suspect an issue with my host.
It looks like problem with your MYSQL server.
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