
Author Topic: Buyable Pins for Pinterest  (Read 5502 times)

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Buyable Pins for Pinterest
« on: August 01, 2019, 03:48:14 PM »
Hi guys,

here is an idea - proposition that I came across quite recently and it has to do with Pinterest.

The link to the article that I recently read was this one:
Code: [Select]
My point is this:
There are a couple of other platforms that have integrated in them the option of creating a Buyable pin through Pinterest.

The main concept behind it is this:
As someone searches through Pinterest, you can create an additional button-pin on your products' pins (assuming that you have a Pinterest account) that allows the person to buy your eshop's products directly though Pinterest,

In all honesty I have no idea if it can be done but it would be amazing if we could do this - that of course is my personal assumption.

I don't know, what do you guys think?

"I know one thing; that I know nothing"


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