AbanteCart v1.4.1 is released.
Thanks bro Sam_78 your awesome great your great's in this filed bro.Thanks you very much bro He is nice and great skill in this filed. Thanks Sam_78 very much
Quote from: maulik 1intl on August 21, 2019, 05:06:32 AMThanks bro Sam_78 your awesome great your great's in this filed bro.Thanks you very much bro He is nice and great skill in this filed. Thanks Sam_78 very muchHi I am happy it worked for you. Send me your URL once you are done with implementing this
nice introduction background video, congratulations.
You will need to edit core code to get this. Better option is to make an extension But try this if it works for you because I think you have some custom code already:https://github.com/abantecart/abantecart-src/blob/master/public_html/storefront/controller/pages/product/product.php#L750if(isset($category_info) && count($category_info) > 0){ $nextPrevProducts = $this->model_catalog_product->getProductNextPrevProducts($product_id, $category_info['category_id']); $this->data['nextPrevProducts'] = $nextPrevProducts; }right above foreach ($results as $result) {-----https://github.com/abantecart/abantecart-src/blob/master/public_html/storefront/model/catalog/product.phpAdd this before last } linepublic function getProductNextPrevProducts($productId, $categoryId){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->db->table("products_to_categories") . " WHERE `category_id` = $categoryId and product_id in ( select product_id from " . $this->db->table("products") . " where STATUS = 1)"; $query = $this->db->query($sql); $product_data = $query->rows; $nextPrevProduct = array(); if(count($product_data) > 0){ foreach($product_data as $k => $v){ if($v['product_id'] == $productId){ $preProductId = isset($product_data[$k - 1]['product_id']) ? $product_data[$k - 1]['product_id'] : 0; $nextProductId = isset($product_data[$k + 1]['product_id']) ? $product_data[$k + 1]['product_id'] : 0; $cateSql = "SELECT keyword FROM `url_aliases` WHERE `query` LIKE 'category_id=$categoryId'"; $cateSqlQuery = $this->db->query($cateSql); $cateURL = count($cateSqlQuery->rows) > 0 ? $cateSqlQuery->row['keyword']: ''; $prevProductSql = "SELECT keyword FROM `url_aliases` WHERE `query` LIKE 'product_id=$preProductId'"; $prevProductSqlQuery = $this->db->query($prevProductSql); $prevProductURL = count($prevProductSqlQuery->rows) > 0 ? $prevProductSqlQuery->row['keyword']: ''; $nextProductSql = "SELECT keyword FROM `url_aliases` WHERE `query` LIKE 'product_id=$nextProductId'"; $nextProductSqlQuery = $this->db->query($nextProductSql); $nextProductURL = count($nextProductSqlQuery->rows) > 0 ? $nextProductSqlQuery->row['keyword']: ''; $nextPrevProduct['prev_product'] = (trim($prevProductURL) != '') ? $cateURL . "/" . $prevProductURL : ''; $nextPrevProduct['next_product'] = (trim($nextProductURL) != '') ? $cateURL . "/" . $nextProductURL : ''; } } } return $nextPrevProduct; }And last go to product.tpl and add this code where ever you want buttons and style it the way you want.https://github.com/abantecart/abantecart-src/blob/master/public_html/storefront/view/default/template/pages/product/product.tpl#L268<?php if(is_array($nextPrevProducts)){ ?> <div> <div style="float: left"> <?php if(trim($nextPrevProducts['prev_product']) != '') {?> <a href="<?php echo trim($nextPrevProducts['prev_product']); ?>" > Previous Product </a> <?php } ?> </div> <div style="float: right"> <?php if(trim($nextPrevProducts['next_product']) != '') {?> <a href="<?php echo trim($nextPrevProducts['next_product']); ?>" > Next Product </a> <?php } ?> </div></div><?php } ?>You can contact AbanteCart developers (they have paid service abantecart.com/contact-us) or some other developers https://www.fiverr.com/nattoben This developer has made few extension for AbanteCart he might be able to help you https://marketplace.abantecart.com/index.php?rt=product/vendor&v=40 P.S I am not promoting anyone here just trying to help you as what you want is not an easy thing. It needs some custom development