
Author Topic: México and LATAM payment methods  (Read 11164 times)

Offline Cesar Juarez

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México and LATAM payment methods
« on: May 13, 2020, 03:19:49 AM »
Hi developers I'm from México and I have a webstore 3 years ago.
I've used a lot of CMS to trade like Woocomerce, magento, prestashop, opencart, wix, shopify but i choose the more weird of all of them... AbanteCart is the most especial for me. I connected all my great ideas on this CMS, everything al imagine and little changes i can do it here.

So... a lot of my people use transfer deposits but the most of people use cash and we have a type of paymet famous for LATAM.
That is MERCADO PAGO and OXXO platforms. The interesting of this methods it's we can use a personal card made of cash with out comissions or use a credit without a card, but the same use like a bank card is amazing!! and lot of people lose the chance to notsee thas payments online beacuse our fees are very low an accesible. That's our predetermined references to buy

They ofer an integration free with voluntaries developers like API's secures and easy ways to install. Examples here please translate:
OXXO PAY and MERCADO PAGO check out integration... google it
to expand our public target...

My ideal is so big but, I have a Dream... connect everyone to online ecoomerce in this COVID time-- we reborn... this is our time!! please read and take to considerate... sorry by my low english.

I'm very excited about the new abantecart 2.0 more responsive and friendly dashboard to new people , GRATS TEAM, great work!!


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