eCommerce construction > Templates

E-Mail subject required!

<< < (2/3) > >>

Both require translations


--- Quote from: Basara on June 09, 2020, 04:39:47 AM ---Both require translations

--- End quote ---

Ok, Thanks


I have upgraded from 1.2.15 to 1.2.16 and i am getting a similar error as below

2020-07-09 14:18:24 - Email Template with text id "storefront_new_customer_admin_notify" and language_id = 1 not found
2020-07-09 14:18:24 - Error: E-Mail subject required!
2020-07-09 14:18:24 - Email Template with text id "storefront_welcome_email_activated" and language_id = 1 not found
2020-07-09 14:18:24 - Error: E-Mail subject required!

I have checked the email templates in the Design >> Email templates they are available

Can anyone tell what might be wrong??

Thanks in advance for any advise

Hello again

I think i found the problem, i have 2 stores, a retail store and email templates are available and another store for wholesale and here in the second store EMAIL TEMPLATES are not available

What is the easiest way to copy the templates from one store to another?? do i have to do them manually one by one??

To solve just open phpMyAdmin
and run this query.

NOTE: You need to replace table prefix ac_ with yours and check what ID of your second store. As you see below i set "1 as store_id". If your second store have another - your should to replace with yours too.

--- Code: ---SET SQL_MODE='';
INSERT INTO `ac_email_templates`
(`status`, `text_id`, `language_id`, `headers`, `subject`, `html_body`, `text_body`, `allowed_placeholders`, `date_deleted`, `store_id`)
SELECT `status`, `text_id`, `language_id`, `headers`, `subject`, `html_body`, `text_body`, `allowed_placeholders`, `date_deleted`, 1 as `store_id`
FROM `ac_email_templates`
WHERE `store_id` = 0;
--- End code ---


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