I am having a problem with importing products into the right 'Sub Category'
for Example:
I have a Parent Category we'll call it 'Torches' and 'Torches has a 'Sub Category' called 'Night & Day'. These have already got products in.
I'm now trying to import products E.g. 'Super Torch' and that needs to be in 'Sub Category' Night & Day'.
It imports the product but creates a new 'Parent Category' called 'Night & Day'
The only way around this as I can find is buy calling the 'Sub Category' 'Night & Day' as SQL does not like just the '&' on it's own.
Other Imports allow this single '&' but not as described above.
Anyone know a way of fixing this in the code?
This must be a bug so needs looking into.
Thanks, and love using the cart.