AbanteCart Development > API Development

Shipping Method selection problem

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i'm developing an android app . that interact with API.
all other Post Commands are working in app except one. and i'm not getting the reason behind this

In App i'm Sending Post Command

rt= a/checkout/shipping
token= xxxxxxxxx

in android this command return result set of Mode=list command.(means all the data like Shipping Method list)

when i run this Post in Postman .
on first run it Returns Result set Of Mode=List(means all the data like Shipping Method list)
on 2nd run it return its actual out put (status=1, Shipping_method Select)

checking headers and other this but couldn't able to solve this problem
plz help

I am trying to clarify the question. Are you expecting to see the same list all the time?

What version of Abantecart do you have?

I think this is related to the session used in the API. API and requests should be stateless and you will need to provide a full request every time.
What you experience with Android is correct behavior.

We will disable session in the API for version 1.2.17.
I have create an issue here: https://github.com/abantecart/abantecart-src/issues/1435
Feel free to add to it if you have any other suggestions.

Rawinder Dhillon:

--- Quote from: maxter on October 21, 2020, 08:57:51 AM ---I am trying to clarify the question. Are you expecting to see the same list all the time?

What version of Abantecart do you have?

--- End quote ---

no, from android app , (as i already know the shipping methods) i dont need to access list with mode =List
so i want to use "mode= Select" Command(that selects shipping Method)
but Mode=Select Command returns list of shipping Method options
its actual output must be
    "status": 1,
    "shipping_select": "success"

in postman it returns this output on when i Run this command 2nd time .

Rawinder Dhillon:

--- Quote from: maxter on October 21, 2020, 08:57:51 AM ---I am trying to clarify the question. Are you expecting to see the same list all the time?

What version of Abantecart do you have?

--- End quote ---

im using an older version


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