AbanteCart Development > API Development

Bank Transfer Payment Method in android APP


Rawinder Dhillon:
In my Android app. i'm able to place order on my Website but with payment type "COD" only.
on my website i have another payment extension that is Default_banktranfer. on website its working fine.but in android app is showing error
'status' => 5, 'error' => 'Something went wrong. Incomplete request!'

there is a parameter in process Request that is "payment details"
im not sending this as i assumed that on website it is working without any payment details(and also working for COD) so it will work here too.
but its not working . i search online but couldn't able to find any clue that what will be the value of this parameter in case of banktransfer (like null or something else)

documentation saying it is "Details that are returned from confirmation step in payment structure"   
and in notes "Required based on “required” flag in the structure".

Where is this Required Flag?
and what will be the value of parameter in case of bank transfer ?
Thx in Advance

In case of using other payments, you can try use webview
Payments not ready for work via API.


What it meant that you need post back the (payment details) required fields with “required” flag that came from confirmation step.
In case of COD and Bank Transfer you should not have these.

I do agree with dvagner, native apps should handle specific payments with SDK and we can adjust AbanteCart API to handle payment confirmation 
Open for ideas and discussion.

Rawinder Dhillon:

--- Quote from: abantecart on October 29, 2020, 12:15:38 PM ---Rawinder,

What it meant that you need post back the (payment details) required fields with “required” flag that came from confirmation step.
In case of COD and Bank Transfer you should not have these.

I do agree with dvagner, native apps should handle specific payments with SDK and we can adjust AbanteCart API to handle payment confirmation 
Open for ideas and discussion.

--- End quote ---

ok Admin,
as cod was working and default_Banktransfer was creating problem so i thought there may be some other data required.
but as you cleared now that COD & Bank transfer DoNot have these Flags . so problem must be somewhere else .
Thx for Your reply , will check other things now 

Rawinder Dhillon:
when i execute confirm step in Postman it return a parameter "Payment"  with Jason Response.
but in android APP confirm command doesn't include "Payment" Parameter in JSON Response.
what will be the reason ? 


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