AbanteCart Development > API Development

Sord (for Sorting) not working in API


Rawinder Dhillon:
while fetching products
im using these two options
first is keyword
2nd is category_id

with rt=a/product/filter

when i search with keyword
sord=DESC or ASC
it is working perfectly
but when instead of keyword i use category_id
with same options

then there will no sorting by price.
products are sorted by product id

im i doing something wrong ?

try to use
instead sidx=price.
We made improvement in current dev version and it will works both way

Rawinder Dhillon:
 Thx Bro , Its working this way

Rawinder Dhillon:
A similar problem ith pto & pfrom

while fetching products with keyword pto & pfrom works
means shows products from this range

but when instead of keyword i use category_id
with same options

then there will no filtering based on price range .

will you plz check this one ?

Can you check this fix? https://github.com/abantecart/abantecart-src/commit/4e36614b5ae2aa4fa2ce09f0e846b9ec10731016


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