Introducing myself: I'm Gary Tayman, and I run a business related to radios/stereos for collector cars.
As part of my business, I have online shopping for speakers, accessories, and a few stereos.
All of these online orders are drop shipped from a company in California.
The e-commerce started for me when Sams Club offered webspace for business members. I set up a store and it worked well, but one day it came to an end. So I looked around and found another program. It was easy to set up, and works well except for one huge problem: shipping. The only module that works at all is a table rate, which is fair for US orders but not for overseas. I've had orders from Germany and Switzerland, where the shipping was $12. Unacceptable. I've tried asking for support, all I got was snarky answers about installing new modules -- the instructions of which require a PhD in programming for NASA. Seriously, how hard is it to calculate shipping? E-commerce without shipping is like driving a car without wheels. I've asked again, I won't repeat the nasty answers I got. I'm done.
So I'm looking for a new software program, and Abantecart looks interesting. But I must ask before spending time with it -- how are the shipping modules? I won't be using any links or channels but I simply want to charge something in the ballpark for shipping cost, whether it ships to Pittsburgh or Copenhagen.
In fact I don't think, at least for now, I'll be using any channels at all except for payment via Paypal. I'll process the orders here, and e-mail the vendor with the information myself.
Sounds pretty simple, but I've had a rorugh time of it. Does this sound like something that Abantecart can tackle?