AbanteCart Development > Languages and Zones

Indonesia Language AbanteCart v1.1.5

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ada yang pernah coba di abantecart 1.2.4

thank I was success fulllll for installed this stuff ....thank bro... :-*

Hello ikangoreng, here is bakul-ayam, or whoever, is there anyone that have been translated a lates AbanteCart into Indonesian ?


--- Quote from: bakul-ayam on September 21, 2016, 02:35:33 AM ---Hello ikangoreng, here is bakul-ayam, or whoever, is there anyone that have been translated a lates AbanteCart into Indonesian ?

--- End quote ---

i have translete manually all .xml langunge to indonesia can you help me make extension ?
ane udah translate semuanya gan, ente bisa bantu bikin extension nya ?

Thank's for sharing... are this Language work with version 1.2.8 ?


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