2021-05-07 9:23:40 - App Warning: AbanteCart core v.1.2.16 Warning: Accessing store with non-configured or unknown domain ( ).
Check setting of your store domain URL in System Settings. Loading default store configuration for now. in /home/lunkerhu/public_html/core/lib/config.php on line 228
won't let me post website so old school. wholesale lunkerhunternw com. periods in place of the spaces.
I see what it is saying about unknown/non-configured domain and I am checking it right now. As my retail site is show pricing as guest and wholesale is login to view, do i have to create separate categories one for retail, one for wholesale (my menu bar may be the problem???) and do I need a completely separate main page block for wholesale to help the links? soooo many questions i'm sorry lol