Thank you for the link. There is no documentation either how to create the file or how to use it so I assumed the folowing:
the first line contains partially names from the table [aboh_categories] with missing fields [category_id] and [parent_id], with underscore replaced by space in others.
Format of fields varies: the first two are numbers (no wrapper).
[Name] field is of text format, and the name itself includes all parents separated by comma (usually it is /, but anyway)
[meta ..] - text fields with wrapper
[seo url] and [image] format unknown as there is no wrapper but the field filled with text.
DID NOT WORK - Screenshots are attached.
I added two fields from table [aboh_categories] -> [category_id] and [parent_id] , changed the first line to
category id,parent id,status,sort order,name,description,meta keywords,meta description,seo url,image
The same result.
Please note that there are two unidentified symbols in front of STATUS.