AbanteCart Development > Development Help Needed

total price not balance


I want to make an option on abantecart product, why is the total price included
1. why increase, how to solve this problem.?
2. why the total price doesn't appear on the jumbotron screen

I am not sure what you are asking...

there are different ways to set up options:
Here's the docs info for some references:


Please provide us more info,  or even better screen shots of what you are seeing and what you want to see.

What AbanteCart version are you using?  some previous versions have a different presentation sometimes.

successss ,,

why is the price on jumbotron included in the total price...?

The option is an adjustment to the Base Price of your product.  See the attached screen shots for more info.

The jumbotron is informing the customer as to total price of their selection.  You can a + to your option  value or the the word add.

There are a couple of extensions in the marketplace that may work better for you and your customers



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