I appreciate the reply, however I have gone as far as disabling every block except the content area re-added the products, (Yes I'm refreshing each time

, still no luck. See attached screenshot when I do inspect on the page. It seems to be something in the code I believe, but I'm having a hard time finding where the actual content is in my file manager. I made sure I had hidden files enabled. Note the first product (Everyday business cards) Has a line above it that says "thumbnails grid row list-inline", the 2nd one (Premium business cards) does not. there is also a "Before" and "after" here that I wonder if has anything to do with it. I however cannot even find where this code is in order to edit it.
I went to the demo files to compare, I did an inspect on that page, and it does look like the products should all be in between the "Before" and "after", where as mine are not. but as I said, I have been through all the Cpanel files and cannot find where to edit this. Also since I have not altered anything except removing jumbotron on another page, I don't know why it would not act like the demo does. (Just mentioning in case it is a bug)
I used softalicious to install this and I am using the most up to date version
Thanks again in advance