Author Topic: Currencies on website v1.3.1  (Read 7614 times)

Offline HADY

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Currencies on website v1.3.1
« on: September 01, 2021, 04:04:39 AM »

1st of all, when we use on website the default currency for showing the prices for example USD the total showing on website admin side not correct.


When a client using the EUR currency to place the order, the total for example 100EUR but on admin side the total showing us 100USD. and the opposite true. Finally, in the end of working day if we take a look on totals of sales for today we see them all in one currency which been default on website showing prices. The correction should be made to show us how much total sales was separately for each currency i guess.

How to make the website show us exactly and correct data about the total depending on currency itself ??

Thank you In Advanced


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