I'm new to online stores here, so forgive me if I've missed something silly.
Like in a few other threads I have found, I'm getting the "Probably Payment Conflict" message with every order.
The email address in the Paypal Standard extension settings matches the email address I've used on Paypal. The payments are definitely coming in to our paypal account - I'm getting the paypal email notification and have checked the actual account balance.
Notification message says:
Payment needs manual verification.
Paypal notification details are:
payment_status: Completed
Abantecart dashboard shows order as Complete but total is £0.00 (payment taken is £5.00 in this example).
This is happening for every order and happens instantly and automatically as soon as payment is made.
What am I missing here?
Abantecart version 1.3.1
Extension ID: default_pp_standart
Order Status: Processing
Transaction Method: Sale
Thank you!
Edit: Sorry, realised I've posted this in completely the wrong area.