Author Topic: register email shows php code "NextPart_154455.." and base64 code in the body  (Read 3859 times)

Offline Julianne37

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I am new to this software and a novice in PHP. I created a mock customer for my store and received an email after the account was created that seems to have the PHP code and base64 code in the body of the email. I have looked into the php.mail file and I am not sure how to solve this bug. I also tried to edit the email template, to remove the added PHP code. I deleted all code in the email template and just placed the basic HTML "test" <p> tag, after that I created the customer and the email still had the extra code.

Please help me solve this issue as I am thinking this is an internal error with AbanteCart?

Offline llegrand

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We have found this issue on several of our client sites,   the fix for us has been to configure the email sending using SMTP rather than the system send mail. 

check this AbanteCart doc for info on enabling SMTP mail settings.


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