Shopping Cart Operations > Tips and Tricks

Import Product Tags Solo

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Hi there,

I was curious if there is a way to import product tags for each product without needing ALL of the header information that the export sends? Basically, I have items that go by multiple SKUs and I was adding these as different tags to make searching for the products easier on customers.

My issue is that I had done probably 500 products and manually moved this information into a CSV file that I could import. Unfortunately, I did not keep ALL of the header data from the EXPORT, so when I go to import, it isn't working properly.

Does anyone know if there is a work-around to make it so product tags can be imported to current products using just the product ID information? I no longer have the product.descriptions(name) header, which is what the import wants for some reason... I truly assumed that if I had the product ID, product SKU, model and then added my multiple product tag columns, it would work... I was very much mistaken.

Please post your import file

you can get all tags using script

hello, if you can share your import file, we might be able to help you solve it. It is important to check the parameters well.

We await your response friend.

Que tengas un buen día.


--- Quote from: udeco on March 31, 2022, 04:42:04 AM ---hello, if you can share your import file, we might be able to help you solve it. It is important to check the parameters well.

We await your response friend.

Que tengas un buen día.

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--- Quote from: LRodzen on February 23, 2022, 03:20:28 PM ---Hi there,

I was curious if there is a way to import product tags for each product without needing ALL of the header information that the export sends? Basically, I have items that go by multiple SKUs and I was adding these as different tags to make searching for the products easier on customers.

My issue is that I had done probably 500 products and manually moved this information into a CSV file that I could import. Unfortunately, I did not keep ALL of the header data from the EXPORT, so when I go to import, it isn't working properly.

Does anyone know if there is a work-around to make it so product tags can be imported to current products using just the product ID information? I no longer have the product.descriptions(name) header, which is what the import wants for some reason... I truly assumed that if I had the product ID, product SKU, model and then added my multiple product tag columns, it would work... I was very much mistaken.

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