eCommerce construction > Embedding

Wordpress Plug running on Abantecart


Hi all, is there a possibility that I could run a word press plugin on AbanteCart cart. Link bellow is the pluging I would like to run.

Want the plugin to show up under one of my sub categories page.

Thank You All

Please contact the plugin developer

I understand you're interested in running a WordPress plugin on AbanteCart. Unfortunately, this is not directly possible as AbanteCart and WordPress are separate platforms with different architectures and plugin systems.
The plugin you linked (3DPrint Lite) is specifically designed for WordPress and cannot be directly integrated into AbanteCart. AbanteCart has its own extension system that is not compatible with WordPress plugins.
If you're looking to add similar functionality to your AbanteCart store, you have a few options:

Check if there's a similar extension available for AbanteCart in their marketplace.
Consider developing a custom extension for AbanteCart that provides the features you need.
If possible, you might be able to use an iframe to embed a WordPress page with the plugin into your AbanteCart site, but this would require additional setup and may not be ideal.

For the most accurate information on potential workarounds or alternatives, I recommend reaching out to the AbanteCart community forums or contacting a developer familiar with both platforms.
I hope this helps clarify the situation. Let me know if you have any other questions!


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