AbanteCart Development > Customization help

Product Image Thumb Width not updating on product page.


I have two abantecart stores, one with the version 1.2.16 and the other is version 1.3.2 .. this is an issue on both of them. The former has been a site up and running with no issues for a couple of years.
Using the system>appearance settings, changing the image size works for everything except the product page.

So the particular settings are:

Product Image Thumb Width:
Product Image Thumb Height:

I want to change the image to 500px x 500px.
I'm guessing somewhere in the CSS there is a command that keeps it at the default (I'm using default template) but I can not find where it is.

If anybody could point me to the correct area in the style file I'd appreciate it. Also - if I change it to a larger size, will it still automatically downsize if people are using a phone, or will I have to do something in the bootstrap file/somewhere else?

Thank you in advance. 

Can you replicate the same in our demo https://www.abantecart.com/shopping-cart-demo
The product page may be overwritten by 3rd party extensions

Thanks. It definitely worked in the demo.
I haven't added any third party extensions to the new abantecart I'm working on, I'm still in the very early stages.
I've just altered a little bit of the stylesheet, the layout and the languages so far. I have removed the 'latest product' left hand column on the product page. I'll try adding it back in, but I can't see why it would make a difference.
 The other, older one might have had a couple of extensions added, I can't recall now.
 Thanks for your reply.

You can compare your template files with the source https://github.com/abantecart/abantecart-src/tree/master/public_html/storefront

Thanks for your help ^_^


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