AbanteCart Development > Development Help Needed
Using an iframe and PayPal checkout
Can anyone help me by instructing me on how I can make it so that it is possible to access my abantecart from an iframe on another website and still be able to check out using PayPal. PayPal is installed as the payment method and at the moment when a buyer checks out (when it's time for the shop to speak to PayPal) the iframe becomes empty.
I am not very skilled at php but I can follow instructions on where to put certain pieces of code.
I will be very grateful for any help on this matter.
You can just include whole abantecart into Iframe of other sites.
Post this to your original site
--- Code: ---<iframe src="http://www.[yourabantecarturl].com"></iframe>
--- End code ---
More details about iframe: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp
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