AbanteCart Development > Extensions and Add-Ons

Tax Invoice Module for Checkout


Is there an editable/customisable Tax Invoice that can be emailed to customers on product order (amount owed for ordered product) or on product sale completion (could be sent with the product on shipping).  There is an extension in the marketplace but difficult to tell whether it is suitable and also has not been updated and tested for v1.3.3.

Hello,  it is unclear what you are describing here. 

Have you set up the tax RATES for each location that you are required to collect tax?  See here for details

There is also a nice invoice function within the default AbanteCart -  that functions well as a picking/packing invoice.
It is an icon, looks like a doc,  located in the customer order info. 
Most find it adequate.

If this does not address your request,  please describe what is missing in more detail.


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