AbanteCart Development > Shipping Modules

Insurance Add for shipping

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is there a way to add insurance options for shipping for AbanteCart for the latest USPS module by WHY2 (version 1.3.3)?


You can add the Shipping fees with https://marketplace.abantecart.com/fee_shipping

I have downloaded this extension, but even though I have flagged it to be enabled and configured a Insurance for 1% of the total for the USPS integration, it does not add it.


--- Quote from: shift838 on January 12, 2023, 10:49:44 AM ---I have downloaded this extension, but even though I have flagged it to be enabled and configured a Insurance for 1% of the total for the USPS integration, it does not add it.

--- End quote ---
Hello. Please contact the extension developer https://marketplace.abantecart.com/order-support

is it normal for the extension developer to ask for your administrative login credentials to get into your store?  I don't think users would feel comfortable giving that kind of information out.


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