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Messages - ravindre

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All steps verified and work like a charm,

for some who dont get the dev tool part, just drag and drop the root file called developer_tools into the extension folder of abantecart.

Then go to the back-end Extension Tab and press Install Extension.

Search for developer_tool press the button that looks like a play button.

Now its installed and we can use it!

Follow the rest of the steps as described above and you should be good to go!

Make sure to check out the images provided aswell, you cant go wrong!

Best of templating :D

In this post we will give a detailed step by step manual for template creation using the extension dev tool.

More to come soon.

New Features Discussion / Admin Rights
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:34:20 PM »
Hey AbanteCart Devs!

I love this program and you've amazed me by how light and yet so professional this program is!

I've have used Magento, OpenCart, and this program blows them both away!

I really would like to see admin rights in the back-end tool i've seen you guys have this in the roadmap but this is really a must for this webshop! 

I love to see this implemented in future releases,

Ty for a great product!


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