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Messages - jcschott

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Looks like the decision had been made not to release 2.0 as open source according to the Readme in github?

General Support / Re: FEDeX won't connect to my shopping cart
« on: April 11, 2024, 07:07:05 PM »
Do you have any error messages in your logs? What versions of FedEX and STRIPE extensions are you using and are they enabled and have at least one shipping option (Ground/2nd Day/etc.) and at least one payment option (card/Affirm/etc.) ?

Support / Re: Cart page require "Add an Order Comment"
« on: January 23, 2024, 08:08:39 PM »
In the admin section navigate to System --> Localization --> Language Definitions.
Find the fast_checkout_text_comment_placeholder Key and you can update the wording.

Support / Re: Error when installing AbanteCart
« on: January 23, 2024, 11:39:38 AM »
Not sure about it being a file (Some other platforms and Payment API's use some classes named the same) but try moving the ZIP file to the root of your drive (C:\) and then unzip. Windows has a limit to the file path size to ~256 characters.

Support / Re: Setup SMTP Mail. I am using Godaddy as Host Provider
« on: December 30, 2023, 09:53:01 AM »
You can  set up your mail settings in the admin screens and change to smtp as long as your hosting plan allows and can support smtp. Here is the documentation:

Templates / Re: Collections, custom layout and Default Template
« on: November 01, 2023, 03:18:32 PM »
Thanks. I'll wait for the release as I am still getting some issues. All collections even with custom layouts (only using the collections --> Layout) are using the same template.

Here is the documentation on changing your logo in the admin section of your site.

Templates / Collections, custom layout and Default Template
« on: October 25, 2023, 07:51:52 PM »
I am having some issues pinpointing where this issue is on the default template not showing a custom layout.
I have created a collection and modified the layout adding a custom HTML_block.
The html_block is active and saved under the default template. I can see the collection listed under the layout and Blocks manager.

 If I use the same html_block and add it to the default page layout it appears as expected on the collection page (as well as all other default pages).
If I change to the bootstrap5 template and apply the custom layout using the same block it works.

General Support / Search Behavior
« on: September 14, 2023, 04:08:37 PM »
Notice an inconstancy with search thought it was my store but can recreate it on the DEMO site. If you are on the search page and search for something with no results, update search parameter with something that should return results nothing is returned.
Steps to reproduce in Demo Store:
1) Search for Shoe in upper right corner and press enter, results returned as expected
2) Search for Test and no results returned on search page
3) Search for Shoes from search page no results returned.

Basically anytime we have no results returned and update the search nothing is returned.

General Support / Re: Issues with SNI, hostname and cart
« on: December 20, 2021, 10:31:03 PM »
Did you ever find the issue? I am facing something similar. The site mostly will function as expecting but at times will result back to the IP address for resources (css and image files) and I have been seeing also some issues with featured product block even grabbing the SMTP setting Domain entry. Clearing cache will resolve the issue but then it appears to reset randomly after a few hours/days. .htaccess and URL entries are good in the settings page.

Thank you that enabled the extension upgrade.

Extension Support / Fast Checkout error 1146 after 1.2.16 upgrade
« on: May 16, 2020, 05:54:57 PM »
Got an error after trying to install the Extension right after the upgrade"

There has been a critical error processing your request
SQL Error: Table  'truckchr_aban311.abrm_email_templates' doesn't exist
Error No: 1146"

The local delivery new extension installed just fine. Here is the full error message:

SQL: INSERT INTO `abrm_email_templates` (`status`, `text_id`, `language_id`, `headers`, `subject`, `html_body`, `text_body`, `allowed_placeholders`, `store_id` ) VALUES (1,'fast_checkout_welcome_email_guest_registration',1,'','Welcome, {{store_name}}','<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <table style="font-family: Verdana,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #374953; width: 600px;"> <tr> <td class="align_left"> <a href="{{ store_url }}" title="{{ store_name }}"> {{# logo_uri}} <img src="{{ logo_uri }}" alt="{{store_name}}" style="border: none;"> {{/ logo_uri}} {{^ logo_uri}} {{# logo_html}} {{logo_html}} {{/ logo_html}} {{/ logo_uri}} </a> </td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Welcome and thank you for registering at {{ store_name }}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Your account has now been created and you can log in by using your email address and password by visiting our website or at the following URL:<br/> <a href="{{ login_url }}">{{ login_url }}</a><br/> <br/> Your Login Name: {{login}} <br/> Your Password: {{password}} <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Thank you.<br/> {{ store_name }} <br/><br/> {{{ text_project_label }}} </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>','Welcome and thank you for registering at {{ store_name }} Your account has now been created and you can log in by using your email address and password by visiting our website or at the following URL: {{ login_url }} Your Login Name: {{login}} Your Password: {{password}} Thank you. {{ store_name }} {{{ text_project_label }}}','store_name, login_url, store_url, logo_html, logo_uri, text_project_label, login, password',0); PHP call stack: #0 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/lib/db.php:100 #1 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/engine/extensions.php:1176 #2 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/engine/extensions.php:1127 #3 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/lib/db.php:67 #4 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/extensions/fast_checkout/install.php:27 #5 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/lib/extension_manager.php:479 #6 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/admin/controller/pages/extension/extensions.php:952 #7 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/engine/dispatcher.php:293 #8 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/engine/dispatcher.php:328 #9 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/engine/page.php:98 #10 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/engine/router.php:175 #11 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/engine/router.php:79 #12 /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/index.php:94 in /home/truckchrome/public_html/shop/core/database/amysqli.php on line 119

Support / Re: Extracts not working after store move
« on: March 13, 2017, 10:59:56 PM »
SOLVED: (not sure of the root cause) I did realize my error the second time. On the second reinstall I copied over the config file instead of just replacing the salt/encryption keys so it was still pulling from the old database. Once I corrected it everything seems to be working correctly. Still not sure what was causing the issue with the original install but a reinstall did actually correct the problem

Support / Re: Extracts not working after store move
« on: March 13, 2017, 12:34:19 AM »
I ended up doing a fresh install, after installing another install on the same domain but different directory and successfully downloading products after the database restore. But after pulling in the configuration files again it corrupts the file on export.

Here are the steps I did:
1) Rename folder of store installed (/shop to shop1)
2) Install new abantecart through CPANEL softacuolous using the same table prefix as the original install
3) Truncated all tables through phpmyadmin (get rid of sample data)
4) Restored database through phpmydmin
5) Update system/config.php
 updated salt and Encryption key
6)    Upload following files from other directory:
   ○ Resources/image
      ○    storefront/view/default/image
      ○    image/thumbnails
      ○    storefront/view/default/stylesheet/style.css
7) Try to export again and it corrupted.

Support / Re: Extracts not working after store move
« on: March 11, 2017, 07:38:47 PM »
Any other ideas? I am close to try a fresh install and re-importing the data set of about 1800 products but don't really want to start fresh with a live site (however the lack of being able to extract is a big issue for bulk update). I've attached a sample of about 15 product export corrupted file.

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