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Using 1.2.15
Most music download shops have a short sampling/preview of the song or songs in the description, does AC have that feature?
Thanks much

General Discussion / Set complete category on sale
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:19:13 AM »

I would like to set a category on sale for 20% - how do I set it once and include all items. 

Using AC: 1.1.9

Thank you

General Support / Add Pinterest to social icons
« on: January 30, 2015, 02:24:29 PM »

I would like to add Pinterest to the social icon links but don't know where to find the icon or the icon class

AC: 1.1.9
Template: Default HTML5

Thanks for any assistance

Extension Support / Price Based Shipping Extension
« on: January 29, 2015, 01:35:17 PM »
Greetings - I purchased this extension, it is version 1.0 - the listing on marketplace says I require 1.1 version to use with AC 1.2 -- marketplace site does not allow me to login nor will it send my info via email - says it does not recognize my email (same I've always used and have received mail from AlgoZone)

I have my license number of course, but need to get this update so I can move site to 1.2 - request assistance. 

Thank you and all the best

General Support / Use background image in slider rather than color
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:58:09 PM »
Greetings to all,

I want to use a background image in the default slider instead of just a color - screenshot attached.  I'd like to use a small gif that will repeat in the container. 

Have spent time on reading and testing out parts of the CSS for the onebyone but have not been able to find the solution; therefore, need to ask for some help please. 

Using: 1.1.9 & HTML5 default template

Thank you and all the best

Template Support / Root menu image question
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:29:42 PM »
Good Day - I have not found what I'm looking for after checking all over and require some direction please.  Attaching screen showing what I need - the cart icon and the checkout icon.  Looked in the tpl files, page source, resource library and css files but just can't find where it is.

Would appreciate some help with this one. 


Good Day all ya'll

I did post this in requested features so hope it is not considered a double post. 

Looking to get notification of review pending approval - I can't find where and may not be a function so thought to ask here - either Team AC or one of the usual excellent members who provide fixes will answer I'm sure. 

Thank you all very much for the support and to Team AC for their hard work and dedication -- DONATE DONATE DONATE to help making AC better and better, it is well deserved and needed. 

All the best

Greetings - I just found out that I don't get a notification of pending reviews that require moderation and thought to suggest this as a new feature - it will save me going and looking every day or two. 

Thanks for all your hard work, AC and the team are greatly appreciated!

All the best

New Features Discussion / Test changes via apanel
« on: June 30, 2014, 10:23:09 AM »

An example of what I mean is this - am changing the information in the language definitions for mail_account_create - would like to email myself a copy of the latest version after changing it - a "test" button from within apanel would allow me to test out the new data

thank you

General Support / Number of characters for product reviews
« on: June 17, 2014, 05:22:36 PM »
Greetings - the review section for products has a limitation of 25 - 100 characters per review -- I have a product that is a course and there is one very long review that I'd like to include without splitting it up into multiple sections, so the question I have today is:

Where can I increase the number of characters for the review field? 

Many thanks


Currently working on banners for the slider - unless I'm missing something, I've found that it is necessary to open each slide to see what the sort order - need to open more than one if I want to change the order

So my suggestion would be to have a grid field that shows the sort order of a banner (or product) and make it very quick and easy to change. 

Screenshot to try and explain better. 

Thank you for your consideration

All the best,

New Features Discussion / OneByOne SLider - Slide halt on mouseover
« on: June 07, 2014, 11:17:01 AM »
Greetings Team AbanteCart -

Wanted to suggest the possibility of having a slide halt when mouseover - these are used in the default slider (OneByOne).  I bet it would be a welcome feature for more folks than just us. 

All the best,

General Support / Change main page slider speed which slides change
« on: June 06, 2014, 10:05:11 AM »

Could not find this answer - well, actually two questions. 

On the main page slider I'd like to have more time between slide images; ie. instead of 5 seconds to 10 seconds - can't find the file to edit in order to achieve this

Second is, where can I set the type of exit/enter animation of each slide

Thanks much

Greetings - I just used Softaculous and installed a fresh 1.1.9 - both front and back end were just blank pages. 

not a "show hidden files" issue - other scripts I tried through Softaculous are PrestaCart, OScommerce, WordPress and all installed as usual, no prob. 

Tried again on 3 separate domains - even the domain where my dev site is, installed to a different folder and that didn't work at all wherein my dev site is fine - anyone else? 



Brought this up a few months ago so wanted to know if there has been any update to this extension - Price Based Shipping

Still have a notice at checkout and view cart that they should not purchase tangible and digital goods at the same time - not very professional.  This should not be too big a fix since all the other carts either function properly (distinguishing digital from tangible) when using price based shipping. 

Would really like to hear about it - it's been some time now so I just might use a different script for downloads, but don't really want to if it can be avoided. 

Thanks much

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