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General Support / No image with Data Import
« on: May 09, 2021, 06:41:05 PM »
I'm not sure why this has started happening, but when I do an import with image url.. It will not display product image.

I get the following error on import:

Error: Unable to save downloaded file to /home/mindustr/

The TL0063.jpg is in resources/image/
but It isn't linking it to the product.

I worked on the 30 April 2021 fine, then stopped working. I have restored Database and data back to that day, but that doesn't restore Abantecart.
I ran a discount extension that creates bulk specials but I have uninstalled it and I am still getting the error.

Anyone any idea what could be causing it?

Thanks for your help.

General Support / Password show
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:39:24 PM »

Would anyone know how to change the account creation and account login on the cart so that the password fields have a show/eye option?
So the customer can have a check to see if their password has been typed in correctly.

I can find code on the internet but wouldn't have a clue where to edit the code within the cart folders.

Thanks (hope I have posted in the correct subject)

General Support / Latest Products on home page
« on: September 24, 2020, 08:08:03 PM »
Does anyone know how to change the latest products on the home page.

I have tried manually changing the Date Added field in SQL but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Does the 'Latest' lookup look at a different field than the one in products_description?


Support / Import Wizard with Sub Category
« on: September 20, 2020, 07:40:46 PM »
I am having a problem with importing products into the right 'Sub Category'

for Example:
I have a Parent Category we'll call it 'Torches' and 'Torches has a 'Sub Category' called 'Night & Day'. These have already got products in.

I'm now trying to import products E.g. 'Super Torch' and that needs to be in 'Sub Category' Night & Day'.

It imports the product but creates a new 'Parent Category' called 'Night & Day'

The only way around this as I can find is buy calling the 'Sub Category' 'Night & Day' as SQL does not like just the '&' on it's own.

Other Imports allow this single '&' but not as described above.

Anyone know a way of fixing this in the code?

This must be a bug so needs looking into.

Thanks, and love using the cart.


AbanteCart Chanrged (Former v2.0) / Recording cost for profit
« on: November 15, 2018, 04:57:03 PM »
I think this should be included in next version...

I have read that there isn't away to report on profits made.

Other Carts are now looking at including this in theirs.

1. In 'orders' table - this needs a cost field creating.
2. Create php code in the correct files to record the cost against each product sold at the time of checkout. The price sold and the cost will now be recorded in the 'orders' table.

A report can be generated through AC or if not, then a simple SQL statement exported to spreadsheet will give your profits.

I think it is probably needed by everyone that sells products through the cart.


Support / Recording Cost for profits
« on: November 15, 2018, 04:50:51 PM »

I have read that there isn't away to report on profits made.

Is there away to get this through the system or if not here is what is needed as I have other Carts now looking at including it theirs.

1. In 'orders' table - this needs a cost field creating.
2. Create php code in the correct files to record the cost against each product sold at the time of checkout. The price sold and the cost will now be recorded in the 'orders' table.

Thats it. Simple... if you know what you are doing with coding.

A report can be generated through AC or if not, then a simple SQL statement exported to spreadsheet will give your profits.

Can anyone do this as I think it is probably needed by everyone that sells products through the cart.


Payment Modules / Paypal Pro extension
« on: November 15, 2018, 03:14:26 PM »

I am nearly ready to put my site live, only thing I can't get working is the Paypal Pro extension.

I have Paypal standard and that's working perfect.

Paypal Pro after filling in card details returns an error:  This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions.

When I click on TEST button after confirming the USERNAME, PASSWORD & SIGNATURE is correct it returns success but I get the error when trying to purchase with card details.

I'm in the UK as I read location could be a problem but UK should be fine.


Extension Support / Parcel Force 48 - Error description
« on: November 04, 2018, 04:36:55 PM »

I am trying to get Parcel Force 48 shipping extension working but in the Shipments box in the cart, it displays:  text_description (text_time_ - £5.99
It's getting the right value but its not picking up the correct description field or time field.

I have looked in the languages definitions but everything looks fine in there. the text_description says it should say 'Parcel Force 48'

I have also done a full cart fresh install but it was the same on that too.

Can anyone help?


Installation and Configuration / Shipping Cost
« on: November 04, 2018, 02:55:15 PM »
Hi all,

Can anyone help me with this problem I have with charging shipping costs and options. I have searched through every part of the forum and cannot find the same type of question and answer.

Basically, I need to charge the following. These can be selected by the customer when they decide when they want it delivered:
Tracked delivery 48 = £3.95 + VAT
Tracked delivery 24 = £4.95 + VAT
Next day service = £5.95 + VAT
European service* = £10.00 + VAT
Rest Of The World* = £19.99 +VAT
I just want these to be in a dropdown box for shipping charge. Not based on weight or anything in the basket. They just choose one of the options and that's what gets charged to the basket total as shipping.

Is this possible? All the other carts have this option but I cannot find it on AbanteCart.

It's the only thing stopping me from using it after intense testing of the cart.

Any help is appreciated.

General Support / Stock and Cost update
« on: November 03, 2018, 10:48:05 PM »
Hi All,

I have been testing out AbanteCart after trying quite a few of the other carts and so far this one is much better than the others.

One thing I need help with so far. I receive a csv file with 3 columns in it - "SKU | Stock Level | Cost"
I have been playing about with the data import wizard which I find brilliant but the only thing I can't get it to do is update these fields only.
When I try the import/update, I get an error saying it has to have a description. when I create this column in the data file but leave it blank, it wipes out the product description. It also does not update the Quantity field. It does however update the Cost price.
Is there a way of doing this or do I use a SQL statement and update the product table that way?

Looking for an easy and quick way of doing this.


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