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We are pleased to announce that we are now offering EaseBuzz Payment Gateway Extension in the Marketplace.

The Extension is offered FREE. Currently, it is India specific.

It is PCI DSS Compliant in accordance with RBI guidelines.

Account sign-up link is provided along with the package.

Best Wishes

Many Thanks, Basara...

We have completed the Extension and will be offering it FREE from tonight...

Hi Abalabo,

I took your advice and reworked on my code and added the hooks and other embellishments as suggested in the commit...

However, I'm still facing the same problem and I'm not able to figure out where I'm going wrong.

I'm not very familiar with JSON and I'm still in the process of understanding AbanteCart coding.

I've been stuck with this extension for a month now and we are unable to launch the Store till now  :-\ :-\

Any help will be wholesomely appreciated... Many Thanks !

Thanks a mil, Abalabo....

Sorry, I was stuck in another webdev and couldn't check this earlier... I'm now testing it out...

will revret with notes ...

I'm autonomously developing a new extension for the EaseBuzz payment gateway (India specific), which will be offered free to the AbanteCart community as soon as I sort out one issue that seems to be bugging me...

The extension installs and works perfectly both in Test and Live modes. The payment gateway transaction goes smoothly, both for Successful and Failed scenarios. I also tried a Live transaction,  the Card got debited and the PG dashboard shows it as a Successful transaction.

The Buyer's transaction response, the Buyer's Order Records, the Store Admin dashboard show "Failed" for all transactions. The stock gets reduced and a success mail get sent to the Buyer...

I realise that I'm sending a wrong response (or none) to the Storefront controller from the PG processing file. I've gone through the code, but I'm just not able to figure out where I'm going wrong. I'm not a JSON coder and I think I'm missing something... the error logs don't provide any warnings.

I've attached the php files for reference... Request help from someone to point out the error I'm doing.

Looking forward to offering AbanteCart, India's first free Payment Gateway extension.



General Discussion / Re: Moving to root directory
« on: March 29, 2018, 04:21:31 PM »
Oops... I just moved my cart to another folder... changed the URL Settings and refreshed..

Alas>>> I got a 403
You don't have permission to access /shopzone/index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

any advice ?

Hi Basara,

But I'm not adding any Product page layouts manually.. its automatically being created...

Can I delete them using phpmyadmin without affecting the flow ?

Support / Deleting Product Pages layout in Layout and Blocks Manager
« on: March 28, 2018, 04:53:31 PM »
I removed a Block from the Default Product Page, but I see that it appears in all the Product Pages.

There is a long list in the Layout and Blocks Manager Drop-down for each product created. I Edited and then deleted one of them and the Storefront Layout for the particular product shows as per the Default Product page.  But with 200+ Products in the database, it just becomes a tedious process to edit or delete one by one...

Is there a way I can mass-delete them using phpmyadmin ? Is it safe ?

Is there any way I can avoid layout entry for each product created ? Is there a Setting I have missed ?


Support / Default Payment Failure/Success URLs
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:59:21 PM »
I'm building a Payment Extension.

Is there any default URL which I should forward to in case of a Payment Failure...

I'm pointing to
Code: [Select]
https://myurl/index.php?rt=checkout/success for Successful Payments? Is this right ?

and what parameters do I need to pass to get the status displayed on the Success page.. Right now, I'm getting only Failed even for Live transactions that we have tested. The Payment is debited to the account, the Cart is emptied, but the Status is Failed...

Support / Re: how to remove spacing between sections ?
« on: March 28, 2018, 04:43:14 AM »
Many Thanks Sam...

I missed that CSS declaration somehow …. I changed the top margin to a negative and its beautifully flushed with the header strip.

just a small query... Why is that declaration under Featured Products and not part of the earlier declaration ?

and is there a documentation for the CSS anywhere ? I searched but couldn't locate it...

Thanks once again...

Support / Re: how to remove spacing between sections ?
« on: March 26, 2018, 07:51:23 PM »
I tried both options... but didn't get the desired results...

the 1st one does no changes to the layout on the desktop... but the appearance on Mobile is warped now with the Category Menu aligned 20px higher...

the 2nd does reduce around 10px of space, but still does not flush with the header-strip...

I feel its something to do with the category menu... there is a unidentified 20px above and below the actual menu (encompassed by section id="categorymenu")

Its 5.20am in Chennai and I'm gonna hit the sack... need to figure this out sometime this afternoon.

Support / Re: how to remove spacing between sections ?
« on: March 26, 2018, 02:51:20 PM »
Sam_78... I'm sorry.. My bad...  this is the URL...

Yeps, I'm hacking the CSS in my template in the extension folder only. Thanks !

I've attached the CSS file for reference...

Support / Re: how to remove spacing between sections ?
« on: March 26, 2018, 02:12:07 PM »
yonghan79... Yeps… I keep clearing the cache after any changes I make... … Not yet open to public....

Support / Re: how to remove spacing between sections ?
« on: March 24, 2018, 08:39:02 AM »
any help would be appreciated... We are planning to launch the store asap...

Many Thanks

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