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How-to questions / Option issue (question)
« on: August 30, 2023, 02:58:12 PM »
I sell harnesses in my store, I have it set up as 1 product with 28 different options to choose from. Options are sizes and colors, so the SM size is 10 base price, the MED size is 3 dollars more, so $13 dollars.

My question is how can I set up my option so people can buy more than one if they want and if they want different sizes get charged the correct price??  You can see here how I currently have the option set up, this way they have to add each individual harness to the cart, one at a time ... is it possible to set it up so they are able to add multiples with the correct price being charged to the cart?

I tried using 2 different options, example created one for SM size with 0 cost added and one for MED size with $3 dollars added but the MED ONLY charged $3 dollars, not $13

Here is the store and harness page:

thank you for any help!

Extension Support / No Confirm option when using account credit
« on: June 03, 2023, 01:48:26 AM »
UPDATE: OK, I did some more testing and it only has this issue with fast checkout turned on, when it is off, all works correctly. Is there a way to fix it so it works with fast checkout on, it is a nicer interface than regular checkout. Definetely has something to do with fast checkout.  Store is here:  thanks for any help in advance.

I am having an issue when I use the checks / money order payment option and also have money in my account.  When I have money in my account and want to use it there is no confirm button to click if I also have the check money order option turned on, once I turn it off the confirm button is there???

I had paypal standard, check/money order both turned on, I have credit in my account and when I went to check out there is the confirm option if I choose paypal, and also when I choose check or money/order, but it is no there if I choose my account credit to pay. I remove the check/money order option and only have paypal and my credit, all works fine.  Is there a way to fix this??

Using version 1.3.2.

General Support / Can't add menu item in admin
« on: April 05, 2022, 12:26:07 PM »
I click on the + to add an item to the menu in admin it goes to a blank page, any ideas how to fix?

I did remove the redirect I had that went to so that it doesn't use the www (changed in admin too and cleared cache), that did fix my not being able to see my products menu in the mobile version but still can't add to the menu in admin, goes to blank page, see screenshots.

I can add products categories just nothing to the menu under Home tab.  Is that just not possible?

General Support / Move Scroll to top button
« on: March 25, 2022, 01:01:17 PM »
UPDATE: I found where to do it, in the style sheet:
storefront/view/default/stylesheet/style.response.css on line 1465, change 25px to whatever you want. You also have to change:
storefront/view/default/stylesheet/style.css on line 2617 same thing, change 25px to the same thing as you did on the other stylesheet. I actually commented both out and put my own buttons on there. If you want to do that, you also have to modify:
storefront/view/default/common/head.tpl on line 53, comment this out:
<a id="gotop" href="#">Back to top</a>
I just started working on this store so nothing there yet.

I have searched the forum and looked around on the template pages but can't find where to change or remove the scroll to top button. Which page or css file do I need to modify please?

General Support / How to remove quantity arrows
« on: March 14, 2022, 03:56:36 PM »
In previous versions, if you changed the total number of products the price would update. In the latest version I downloaded via cpanel, there are arrows to update the quantity and the total price no longer changes to reflect the quantity.

How do I remove the arrows to update and make it so that you have to manually type in your quantity which does cause the total price to update??

This is a previous version where the quantity works the way I want  it to, change the quantity the total price updates:

This is my new store where it has arrows to change the quantity and the total price DOES NOT update when changed.  I want to make it work lik the other store, you type in your quantity and the total price updates.  You can type in the number here too and the total price changes, but no one will figure that out because the arrows are there.  I just started working on this store and don't want to go any further if this is not possible.  I don't understand why AbanteCart would change this feature??

I want to remove the quantity arrows.  Or downgrade to a previous version.

How-to questions / Price Keeps changing & Taxes not working
« on: November 12, 2020, 05:46:23 PM »
I have a few issues, my prices is set to CAD $24.99 but it rounds up to $25, it doesn't matter if I have tax set to none or taxable goods. I can't keep it from doing this. I also can't get the taxes to work. I followed the tutorial in the help section but it just won't ad taxes (HST 13%). Any idea what I am doing wrong?

I have even tried adding the 13% to the price to make $24.99 to $28.24, but it rounds down to $28??? I have Canada by individual provinces all set tax rates to 13%, under tax classes.

Any idea of what I am doing wrong?


I created a new admin in the database and then clicked forgot password for that user and reset the password on the admin page, got logged in and fixed hers.
PS. I was looking at a different cart database not hers, I tried several before going with AbanteCart!

I have no clue how my client did this, or maybe her store has been hacked, but her password is now an image and I can't delete it or login????

Can I add a new administrator, I don't see how to do that or can I change the password from somewhere else, can't via phpmyadmin??

Template Support / Product tags (got turned off)
« on: August 28, 2020, 02:05:39 PM »
Somehow my product tags disappeared, all I have edited is the css files and the product.tpl page, I don't know what I did to delete it but does anyone know how to get it back?

Support / Add to cart, price update not working
« on: August 08, 2020, 01:16:53 AM »
I just installed my store using softacuous and a few things aren't working correctly. When I click add to cart, it goes to cart but nothing is added. On product page if I update quantity, the price that would update total isn't even there?? Any ideas, should I just delete and manually install?

It was the softculous install, installed manually and it is fine!

I have just installed AbanteCart (best cart around), and did it via softculuos because I was having trouble with my computer and path name too long errors, I have not used this type of install before.

My server info is:
Hosting Package    default
Server Name    server
cPanel Version    86.0 (build 21)
Apache Version    2.4.43
PHP Version    5.6.40
MySQL Version    10.2.32-MariaDB
Architecture    x86_64
Operating System    linux
Path to Sendmail    /usr/sbin/sendmail
Path to Perl    /usr/bin/perl
Perl Version    5.16.3
Kernel Version    3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64


When I add anything to the cart, I get on the cart page the message "your shopping cart is empty" sounds like it may be a permission issue, which page do I need to change permissions on?

I do have other abantecart installs so it isn't my server.

Or I can start over if Abantecart has the option to upload and install from a zip file, is that a possibility?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Installation and Configuration / 404 error
« on: July 02, 2017, 02:00:27 AM »
Installed yesterday, kept getting 404 popup error along with a popup error telling me I had my popup blocker turned on and features in admin may not work correctly and I should turn it off.

Was working in the settings section, clicked the third tab (design I believe), store turned into a 404 page and now can't access it or the admin.

Store was back today but the same exact issues and once again when I clicked the design (or whatever the third tab is in the setting section, 404 page replace the store and no admin or store access again!!??

Store address:

General Support / File Upload in Demo not working
« on: December 11, 2015, 05:34:42 PM »
Does this feature not work in the demo?  Am testing the store and created a file upload option, getting this error:

Error: Some problem happen with file upload. Check error log for more information

I can't check the error login on the demo??

General Support / Getting this error, category addresses all messed up
« on: April 13, 2014, 05:14:13 AM »
The home page is fine but every category link is all messed up and goes to waht looks like a mobile version.  How can I fix this and what is causing it???  Using version 1.1.6

Home page
    looks fine

Product link   site all messed up

2014-04-13 4:43:42 - App Warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Warning: Accessing store with unconfigured or unknown domain. Check setting of your store domain URL in System Settings . Loading default store configuration for now. in /home/charmsfr/public_html/AbanteCart/core/lib/config.php on line 151
2014-04-13 4:44:00 - App Warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Warning: Accessing store with unconfigured or unknown domain. Check setting of your store domain URL in System Settings . Loading default store configuration for now. in /home/charmsfr/public_html/AbanteCart/core/lib/config.php on line 151
2014-04-13 4:44:04 - App Warning:  AbanteCart core v.1.1.6 Warning: Accessing store with unconfigured or unknown domain. Check setting of your store domain URL in System Settings . Loading default store configuration for now. in /home/charmsfr/public_html/AbanteCart/core/lib/config.php on line 151

Support / File Upload help
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:58:37 PM »
Is there a way to upload images or pdfs into the resource library without creating a new block?  I looked under settings, data, file upload but I don't see a way to do it there?

Feedback on My Store / New Site (3rd in as many weeks)
« on: August 21, 2013, 03:46:03 AM »
I am using this as a CMS for now, they will ad products later.  Love, love, love this script!!

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