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Currently  Customer Tax Address  as set in system > settings > checkout ques off the customer address as selected by the Admin  to use with customer billing or shipping address for the tax location and most often at least in US is the shipping address.

This works okay for most taxsing requirements, except in one case:

If Pickup from Store is selected - this changes the tax rules for an order as it now has to conform to the store location rules.  This will probably be different than a customer billing or shipping address.

Please consider adding an option for Pickup from Store to allow Admin to use store address for location lookup or some way to refer to a "store"  tax class that can be selected for the Pickup from Store  that overrides the system > settings > checkout rules for all other taxation rules.

Thanks for considering this function.

On Abantecart 1.2.6  I can get PayPal Express to show up on checkout ONLY if guest checkout is enabled.
If only allowing registered accounts,  no PayPal Express.

Is this a requirement for the extension?  Or some fix that needs to be accomplished?


Extensions and Add-Ons / doc info for PayPay Express
« on: May 03, 2016, 12:51:49 PM »

On this doc for PayPal express is this reference correct?

API Username: - your PayPal Pro API username
API Password: - your PayPal Pro API password
I am not aware that Express requires a Pro anything.
Thanks for your correction or clarification.

Built-in Features / Options – required status working incorrectly
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:59:22 AM »
 Testing in version 1.2.6 (both on my tests sites and on your demo site)
The required switch does not appear to have an incorrect result.
Testing conditions:
Selectbox,  Multiselectbox, CheckBox,  Checkboxgroup, textarea 
All enabled all of the above with all set with NO default option checked – which then shows the lowest sort order within the option box on product page for customer
All have REQUIRED selected – this is verified by the red asterisks on the product page for customer
ONLY the checkbox and textarea will give a message for the need to be selected.   
Selectbox, multiselectbox and checkboxgroup automatically use the default selection.
The same result on the ordering is observed even if the required field is off.   
I have tested with having the global option set with required on and off,  and alternating the individual option with on and off,  the results are identical
So the question is what use is the required field for most options if the required selection by a customer selects for them?
 See attached for what shows up on my testing.
Am I missing some thought process here in how a required field should work?

Extensions and Add-Ons / zero balance requiring payment method
« on: April 22, 2016, 02:42:02 PM »
This was an issue back in 1.1.7  I think,  but it was fixed previously.  Seems it might be back again there is one payment -  installed,  it has been working flawlessly for many months.

In applying a credit to an account thatreduced the order to zero  I am getting 
Error: payment method required.

You can see by the screen shots that system has identified that there is a payment account noted but the previous fix to ignore zero balances seems to be broken.

this is a 1.2.6 Abantecart Version


Extensions and Add-Ons / authorize net api updating
« on: April 20, 2016, 12:28:37 PM »
there are some AuthorizeNet api updates coming up  -  want to be sure you are aware and can get the default AuthorizeNet extension in compliance if changes are necessary

Here is the link for more info about changes that just came in today - with time frames for implementation


New Features Discussion / add cloning to forms
« on: April 20, 2016, 10:55:12 AM »
The latest version of forms manager is quite excellent.   If you could add a cloning (replication) routine to an existing form - that would make it spectacular IMO. 

There are lots of times when a user has a basic form and then needs just a small field addition or change for a different form to be used .  So they have two different forms for slightly different purposes.  Some forms are quite lengthy, so re-building from scratch takes quite a bit of time.

Thanks for considering this.


Opinions / What Version are you using?
« on: January 19, 2016, 04:27:24 PM »
Hello fellow AbanteCart users.  As I relatively long -time user of AbanteCart (since 1.1.7)  and a frequent poster on the board  I have often wonder what we're all using for our current versions. 

Please take a moment to respond to the survey.  It may help admins and volunteer posters give better help,  and perhaps help extension writers to know how many versions to support so more can benefit.

Thanks for your time to respond.


In a new install using Softaculous  when working on the permissions I have no admin/system/backup/

Is this the expectation on a new install now?

Also I see all the file permissions are now being set to 755  except for config.php

still indicate 777 and a recent post on forum,4197.msg18284.html#msg18284  suggests 444 for config.   This is becoming a bit confusing -  and permission settings need to be correct for functionality and secure.   Can you please update the docs?


General Support / v 1.2.5 Admin Grid on orders has wrong link
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:01:50 AM »
In v 1.2.5  when on Admin for Sales/ Orders  the link for Order Details returns to Storefront Home page.

Please post file/line to correct this.


Tips and Tricks / making a billing invoice
« on: August 08, 2015, 12:51:39 PM »
Here's what I would like to be able to do:

As an administrator acting on behalf of a customer need a way to take a phone order for an account holder  all the way thru to  just before payment.  And then either have the customer log into their account to complete the confirmation and pay,  or email them the invoice which has a link back so they can pay.

What I need is some way to have an option for payment as "billing" or "Phone Order" with a condition of waiting payment.    This option of billing should not be seen on the payment selection by the customers,  but available to the admin.

Am I missing some thing that is already available within the cart to do this?

Or do I need to see about making a way to do this?  I didn't see anything in marketplace extensions that seemed to do this.

thanks in advance for your feedback

New Features Discussion / options need cost field
« on: July 29, 2015, 04:53:47 PM »
There is no place to input cost of an option on a product..  Please consider adding that as a field to the next verison.  Preferably it would be a stated value and not a modifier as the selling price is.

Just a field that labeled cost,  and an input of whatever the cost for the item is.

eg.  base item  1 lb   price  10.00  cost 5.00

option item      2 lb   modifier +$7   cost  8.50  (not a modifier,  but a flat cost figure)


Security / decrpyting and recrypting passwords
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:52:58 PM »
I find I need to re-do a database that has passwords for accounts -  some were using one Salt key,  some were using another

I would like to decrypt the passwords and then reset them with all the same salt key.   There are a lot of them,  and the customers will NOT be happy if they have to do this themselves, lots of really old, crotchety  customers on this site - who complain about everything -  so would be great if I could get this done behind the scenes.

You have any guidance on doing this?


New Features Discussion / Replace captcha with ReCaptcha
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:26:30 PM »
Hi,  please consider replacing the current captcha with the recaptcha from Google.   It seems a lot friendlier and much easier on tablets,  phones,  any of the touch screen devices.    I am seeing it used on a lot of sites I access,  like MailChimp etc.

Thanks for at least thinking about it for future release.


General Support / 1.2.2 upgrade issues - Repository is flawed
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:13:13 PM »
Hello,   as a user of Abantecart since version 1.1.7  I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable of how your process works.   But since since version 1.2.0  the upgrade routines have been seriously flawed.

I am reporting that the current upgrade to 1.2.2  is also flawed.   Here is the message:
  Error: Cannot download file. Repository error or invalid extension key. Try one more time. If problem persist download file in your order history and install manually.

I have tried this on 4 different accounts,  on two different servers, both configured to run the 1.2.1 versions.   File permissions are all correct,  server requirements are all correct.   Even a virgin install of a full 1.2.1 (with all settings correct)  fails and gives the same error message.

And yes,  if I go to the Source Forge and download the upgrade file and run it as an Extension upload it does install.   But if you are going to make us all do that,  then make your link to that location perhaps - 

Please, please try and do better with this stuff -  Abantecart is a really nice cart,  but geez these little screwups on the upgrade are dismaying.


I submit that either your repository is flawed OR the link in the click  for the upgrade is wrong.

In either event your previous instructions that the upgrade needs to be manually done is unacceptable.   As the providers of a really good ecommerce software,  your continual inability to get the upgrading process less flawed is tarnishing your reputation as good software.  You can do better than this to those of us who support and have previously trusted your software.  Please revise your procedures to provide all the users with a more flawless experience.

BTW,  I did want to say how nice the More Extensions button to the marketplace with the version Information triangle is.   That is very useful.   Good improvement. 

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