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General Support / Re: Act on the behalf of
« Last post by Nuno Neff on Today at 10:41:55 AM »
ok, i think it's some extension because i've cloned my site and it's working, so now i have to activate extension by extension to see which one is screwing up with all this.
General Support / Re: Act on the behalf of
« Last post by abolabo on Today at 10:18:52 AM »
Hi, you can try to delete all cookies of your domain (see developer tools).
Logout from admin and storefront and then delete all cookies.
Also check what cookie with "AC_SF_" prefix value when you click on act_on_behalf button and after click on link on storefront.
If you have https enabled on your host - use it to login into admin side.
General Support / Re: Act on the behalf of
« Last post by Nuno Neff on Today at 09:32:13 AM »
I was on Edge and i tried it on Chrome but the same happens.
General Support / Re: Act on the behalf of
« Last post by Basara on Today at 09:24:23 AM »
I just did that and problem continues...
Please try in another browser
General Support / Re: Act on the behalf of
« Last post by Nuno Neff on Today at 08:53:42 AM »
I just did that and problem continues...
General Support / Re: Act on the behalf of
« Last post by Basara on Today at 08:35:27 AM »
You might be accessing your admin panel using a different store URL than the one set in your settings. To resolve this, close all AbanteCart windows and clear your browser cache to ensure new cookies are generated when you log in again.
General Support / Act on the behalf of
« Last post by Nuno Neff on Today at 07:36:21 AM »
Hello my act on the behalf of is not working, i am using abantecart 1.4 with php 8.3

When i click on the icon act on the behalf of it opens a page with the notice

Notice: Impersonate mode for customer "customer*****" by "admin"

But when i click on anything (Edit account details - Change password - Manage Address Book - My wish list - Order history - Transaction history -
Downloads - Notifications)  it doesnt work and opens page account/login

I installed version 1.4.1 to see if it was something from abantecart but it's still the same.

I tried it on your demo and everything works fine, what could it be?
Tips and Tricks / Re: Free Shipping on navbar
« Last post by Manya Kapoor on Today at 01:24:06 AM »
This seems to be a good guide for setting up a free shipping link at the navbar, with clear steps leading you through the admin settings.
Looks like a database connection issue. Double-check your database credentials in config.php—host, username, password, and database name. Also, make sure your MySQL server is running. If you're on shared hosting, try switching to localhost or contacting support. Enabling error reporting might give more details.
SEO / Link Building: Why Your Website Needs It to Grow!
« Last post by bironwarner on February 10, 2025, 05:52:08 AM »
Link building is essential for your website’s growth because it improves search engine rankings, increases organic traffic, and enhances domain authority. Quality backlinks from reputable websites signal to search engines that your site is trustworthy and valuable, boosting its visibility in search results.

Additionally, backlinks drive direct referral traffic, exposing your site to new audiences and potential customers. A strong link building strategy also strengthens your brand’s credibility and helps you stay competitive in your industry.

To grow your website, focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant links through guest posting, broken link building, and digital PR.
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