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To force category names to stay on one line in drop-down menus, you can adjust the CSS of your website. Typically, you'll want to set a white-space property to nowrap in the CSS for the menu items, preventing the text from wrapping onto a second line. You may also need to adjust the width or padding of the drop-down menu to ensure there's enough space for longer category names. Here's an example CSS snippet:

.dropdown-menu li a {
    white-space: nowrap;
This will ensure the category names remain on a single line in your menu.

Embedding / Re: Wordpress Plug running on Abantecart
« on: September 10, 2024, 03:54:41 PM »
Running a WordPress plugin on AbanteCart isn't feasible directly since they are built on different platforms and architectures—WordPress uses PHP with a specific plugin system, while AbanteCart is an eCommerce platform that also runs on PHP but has its own extension system. To integrate functionality between the two, you would likely need custom development or use APIs to bridge the systems, rather than running a WordPress plugin directly on AbanteCart.

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